About Us
NOIZ is a ecofriendly blockchain and smart transaction platform that is more flexible, secure, sustainable, and enterprise- friendly. It is a (BaaS) Blockchain as a Services platform solutions for businesses with different use cases, from issuing NFTs to tokenizing your project and building decentralized marketplaces.
Why use NOIZ?
Consortium BlockchainFocus on long term business model on usage rather than short term token speculation
Proof of Capacity (POC)Use of hard disk space to perform proof of work model and enabling the blockchain to be more decentralized
Enterprise-FriendlyIt doesn't require special hardware and has the flexibility to be both a permission and permissionless blockchain. Pre-built-in standardized transactional function
Separated Miner & NodeThe miner can choose its desire multiple chains to mine. Node holders can choose not to be the miner
Decentralized & CentralizedBuild the right incentive model in a centralized environment and decentralized it when scale
Sustainable & GreenLow energy consumption and more efficient to generate new blocks
Multiple Blockchain ParticipationMiner can contribute to multiple blockchain projects without additional investmentTEAM
NOIZchain was founded by NDN Group CEO, Andy Ann, together with his amazing team.